Statues Wearing Glasses

Welcome to the best site online dedicated to high-quality images of statues wearing glasses. In 2009, the site expanded to include not only statues wearing glasses, but high-relief plaques of people wearing glasses. While this inclusion was hotly debated on Reddit, in the end most fans of the site agreed to consider high-relief plaques statuesque.

As the curator of "Statues Wearing Glasses" and former owner of the for-profit, I travel extensively in search of statues wearing glasses. For instance, I recently traveled to Champaign, Illinois to sit beside a glasses-wearing statue of Roger Ebert. What a great example of a statue wearing glasses!

— Spencer Schaffner, December 14, 2014

group 1: seen in person

Franklin D. Roosevelt wears glasses in one of the statues of him at the FDR Memorial in DC
FDR Memorial,
Washington, DC
spotted May 2018

Roger Ebert wears glasses in this fine statue,
Virginia Theater,
Champaign, IL
spotted December 2014

George Gamow is wearing glasses in this plaque,
George Washington University Campus, Washington DC
spotted October 2014

Glasses are part of this plaque,
University of Illinois Campus, Urbana, IL
spotted May 2010

Paterno wears glasses in this statue; statue removed in 2012
Penn State University Campus, State College, PA

Did you know that Roosevelt slyly wears glasses on Mt. Rushmore?
South Dakota
spotted July 2009

Guys who founded Carle Foundation Hospital, some of whom wear glasses in these plaques
Carle Foundation Hospital
spotted December 2009

The Blues Brothers wear actual glasses in these statues
Midway Airport, Chicago, IL
spotted June 2009

Assorted athletic greats wearing glasses
Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame
Milwaukee, WI
spotted September 2008

Hospital founders wear glasses in this plaque;
Bottom guy looks a bit like Will Ferrell
Charlotte, NC
spotted May 2008

Harry Caray statue keeps the glasses on
Chicago, IL
spotted June 2006

group 2: future travels

These are some of the statues wearing glasses that I'd like to see in future travels.


A traveling pal has reported (in 2018) that this all-white bespectacled statue of an embrace can be found at the Centre Pompidou.

A birder friend appreciates this bespectacled and seated statue in St. Paul.

In April of 2015, a bespectacled statue depicting Edward Snowden was installed in a NYC park. The statue wears a contemporary, fashionable pair of glasses. The news article about the installation can be found here.

Traveling affiliates contacted me in early 2015 to report that statues wearing glasses are being manufactured in Jaipur, India. This is a shot of some of the statues being produced on site, featuring the nearsighted Mahatma Gandhi.

Another wandering friend contacted me in 2018 to say "Are you still collecting these?" Of course I am! It's a statue of Victor G. Atiyeh standing well spectacled in the Portland Airport (PDX).

John Lennon wears glasses, via his statue, in the park named after him.
Havana, Cuba

Velasco Ibarra statue wearing glasses in El Ejido Park
Quito, Ecuador

Various James Joyce statues wear glasses
These are all in Europe

American Gothic Statue found to include glasses

This statue of Arthur Ashe features a nice pair of glasses
The statue has been called "horrifying," but not because of the glasses
Richmond, VA

site last updated december 2018 by spencer