Many of the links on this page are to older, "early web" stuff that I like to keep kicking around. I started making websites in the late 1990s ... so sites like YouTube and Instagram still seem kind of new to me.
Building Related
Art, Resources, & Travel
Mockumentaries & Parodies
I have an array of comics and 'zines dating back to the 1990s. I started making mini-comics again when I started the prison bus project. Send me a mailing address if you want a comic for free or trade.
When I was a professor, I wrote a couple books. Some of my other publications are indexed on Google Scholar.
Writing as Punishment in Schools, Courts, and Everyday Life (2019, U of Alabama Press)
Binocular Vision: The Politics of Representation in Birdwatching Field Guides
(2011, U of Massachusetts Press)